Yacht Racing: Rules| World cup| America cup| Association


Yacht Racing, sailing news, events and blogs from Yachting World, covering the world’s biggest yacht race. Today we will discuss about Yacht Racing: Rules| World cup| America cup| Association.

Yacht Racing: Rules| World cup| America cup| Association

Yacht racing is a sailing sport involving sailing yachts and large sailboats, as distinct from dinghy racing, which involves open boats. It is composed of several boats, in direct competition, running around a course marked by buoys or other fixed navigational equipment, or point-to-point sprinting long distances in open water. When there are multiple legs during buoy racing or point-to-point racing it may involve a series of races.


Yacht Racing: Rules| World cup| America cup| Association

As boat races became more prevalent, and boat designs became more diverse, differences in boat design made it necessary to establish a system of measurement and time allowance. Long boats are inherently faster than shorter boats; Therefore, in the interest of fairness, in the 1820s “a primitive system of time allowance was introduced on the Solent.” [12] Large boats were handicapped; But the owners with the largest ships had a problem with the allowance system, as they preferred that crossing the finish line first, as much as on foot and in horse racing, should be enough to win the competition. As a result, both ratings and “one-design” contests were developed. Rating systems usually rely on some formulaic analysis of very specific yacht-design parameters such as length, sail area, displacement and hull shape. During the 1920s and 1970s the Cruising Club of America established a formula by which most racing/cruising boats during that period were designed. Following its descent, the mathematically complex International Offshore Rules (IOR) of the 1970s contributed to very little seaworthiness (and even speed), replacing the simpler Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) [13] system. was adopted. The PHRF only uses proven performance characteristics, particularly theoretical sailing speeds, as a means of allowing unequal yachts – usually by friends and families in clubs rather than professional crews – to be raced together. The most popular family-oriented cruising sailboats will have a rating recorded with the local chapter of the PHRF.

World cup

Yacht Racing: Rules| World cup| America cup| Association

World Sailing’s Sailing World Cup is a series of sailing regattas. The World Cup came into existence during the 2008–09 season. There are boats in the series that have been involved in the Olympics and Paralympics.

America cup

Yacht Racing: Rules| World cup| America cup| Association

The 36th America’s Cup in March 2021 was the latest staged America’s Cup yacht race. It was fought on the inner Hauraki Gulf off Auckland, New Zealand, between the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron and Italy’s Circolo della Vela Sicilia. The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron’s boat was Te Rehutai, owned by Emirates Team New Zealand Syndicate. The boat of the Circolo della Vela Sicilia was the Luna Rossa, owned by the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Syndicate. Both boats are high-performance monohulls of the AC75 class, a class specially designed for this competition. The cup was won by Team New Zealand 7–3.



The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the United Kingdom’s national governing body for sailing,[1] a leading representative for dinghy sailing, yacht and motor cruising, sail racing, RIB and sportsboats, windsurfing and personal watercraft and inland waterway cruises.
