UFC vs Smackdown which is better to fight


The UFC and WWE differ significantly in terms of the nature of their events. The UFC features authentic combat where fighters engage in real fighting, while the WWE showcases highly trained professionals performing scripted entertainment. Today we will discuss about UFC vs Smackdown which is better to fight.

UFC vs Smackdown which is better to fight

The UFC and WWE are two prominent entities in the world of combat sports and entertainment. While the UFC has experienced significant growth and is considered one of the leading combat sports promotions globally, it is essential to recognize that the WWE has also achieved considerable success in its own right. Both organizations have garnered attention and amassed a following, but they differ significantly in terms of their nature and presentation.

Ultimate Fighting Championship

UFC vs Smackdown which is better to fight

The UFC, or Ultimate Fighting Championship, is a mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion that showcases real combat fights. Fighters compete in various disciplines such as boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and wrestling, employing a range of techniques to defeat their opponents. The fights in the UFC are unscripted and are held within a controlled environment, adhering to a set of rules and regulations to ensure the safety of the fighters. Although injuries can occur, the UFC takes extensive measures to prioritize fighter safety and implements strict medical protocols.

World Wrestling Entertainment

On the other hand, the WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment, is a professional wrestling promotion that focuses on scripted entertainment. WWE matches involve predetermined outcomes and choreographed sequences designed to captivate the audience. While the WWE features elements of athleticism and physicality, the primary emphasis is on storytelling, character development, and spectacle. Wrestlers execute predetermined moves with the goal of entertaining the audience rather than inflicting legitimate harm on their opponents. The WWE prioritizes the safety of its performers by implementing training programs, medical screenings, and safety protocols.

Which is more dangerous between the UFC and WWE?

The key distinction between the UFC and WWE lies in their respective approaches to fighting and entertainment. While the UFC features authentic fighting, the WWE showcases highly skilled professionals performing choreographed moves. Consequently, critics often argue that the UFC is more dangerous due to its real combat nature. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that WWE carries its own set of risks.

Although WWE is not genuine fighting, performers often subject themselves to remarkable situations to execute their moves. Despite being pre-planned, mishaps can easily occur, leading to injuries. This is evident when examining some of the most severe injuries in WWE, indicating that it is not as safe as commonly believed.

Conversely, the UFC has also witnessed its fair share of unexpected injuries. However, when comparing the two, UFC fighters can sustain serious harm even if everything goes according to plan. In contrast, WWE performers can only get injured when something goes wrong during their scripted performances.

Therefore, the UFC’s inherent risk of fighters getting hurt even in the absence of mishaps renders it more perilous than the WWE. Even if a UFC fighter emerges victorious, they must still face the potential danger of sustaining severe injuries. Nonetheless, this is not to suggest that the WWE lacks danger altogether.


In conclusion, while both the UFC and WWE have their critics, comparing them in terms of danger is not straightforward due to their fundamental differences. The UFC showcases real combat fights with inherent risks, whereas the WWE emphasizes scripted entertainment with a focus on safety. Each organization caters to a different audience and offers unique experiences within their respective realms of combat sports and entertainment.

Preference between WWE and UFC

While both organizations share a focus on fighting, they offer distinct products, making it difficult to determine which is superior. The preference between WWE and UFC is subjective. If you enjoy highly choreographed fights with impressive moves, WWE may be more appealing. On the other hand, if you appreciate authentic martial arts in action, UFC might be a better choice.

As an AI language model, I don’t have personal preferences or emotions, so I don’t have a specific fan affiliation with UFC or WWE. However, I can provide you with information about the differences between the two organizations.

How Much More Is Real Fighting Worth?

In the midst of a rather uneventful period in the sports calendar, the UFC has managed to grab headlines with a significant announcement. A consortium led by WME-IMG has purchased the UFC for a staggering $4 billion. This sale has sparked discussions about the relative worth of the UFC compared to its counterpart, WWE. While UFC and WWE differ greatly in terms of their competitive nature – one being a genuine combat sport and the other featuring scripted storylines – they occupy similar niches, often blurring the lines between them. Notably, WWE superstar Brock Lesnar recently made a crossover appearance at UFC 200, defeating heavyweight fighter Mark Hunt, who, despite the loss, remains ranked ninth in his division.

Comparing the business models of the two companies reveals striking similarities. Both the UFC and WWE primarily generate revenue from live events, pay-per-view purchases, cable TV rights agreements (UFC earning an average of $100 million per year from Fox, while WWE secured a $150 million-per-year deal with NBCUniversal), and their respective subscription-based streaming services. Furthermore, the two organizations have comparable total revenue figures, with WWE reporting earnings of $659 million in 2015, while UFC’s co-owner, Lorenzo Fertita, claimed that his promotion generated $600 million in the previous year.

Is the UFC scripted?

WWE and the UFC recently announced an agreement to merge and create a new publicly traded company under the management of Endeavor Group. This news comes after months of speculation about the potential sale of WWE.

Under the terms of the deal, the owners of WWE will retain a 49% stake in the newly formed company, while Endeavor will hold a majority ownership of 51%. According to a press release from both companies, this merger values WWE at $9.3 billion and UFC, which is owned by Endeavor, at $12.1 billion.

Despite their differences, there are potential long-term benefits for both WWE and the UFC in this merger. The UFC is a combat sport that involves full-contact fighting and utilizes various martial arts techniques. On the other hand, WWE is primarily known for its entertainment value, incorporating elements of professional wrestling, drama, and theater.

In a professional wrestling match, the outcomes and storylines are typically predetermined and rehearsed in advance to captivate the audience. Wrestlers often engage in theatrical displays, portray specific characters, have dramatic entrance music, and meticulously plan their in-ring promos.
