Russell Wilson: Pete carroll costume| Dressed up like pete carroll…


Russell Carrington Wilson (born November 29, 1988) is an American football quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League (NFL).

Russell Wilson: Pete carroll costume| Dressed up like pete carroll

Pete Carroll costume:

With just a couple of days until Halloween, we look back at when Russell Wilson decided that Pete Carroll would be the right guy to emulate sartorially.

In 2017, Russell Wilson dressed up as his head coach and got everything right, from his mannerisms to speaking style. It is one of the most iconic NFL Halloween moments and one that we never get tired of watching.

Russell Wilson decided that the right way to roll up at a children’s hospital is as a guy who he looks up to. He decided to put on a wig to look like Pete Carroll, but the other additions made it unique.

Dressed up like Pete Carroll:

In trying to get Pete Carroll’s look right, Russell Wilson put a headset on top of his wig. Speaking into the microphone, he was seen chewing gum furiously as his head coach does on the sidelines. We believe the impression is uncanny; you can judge so for yourselves.

Russell Wilson: Pete carroll costume| Dressed up like pete carroll...

In addition, Russell picked up the way Pete Carroll talks in staccato short bursts. He mentioned how proud he is of his players and interspersed it with ‘Go Hawks.’ The entire bit was hilarious, which lightened the Halloween mood. Have a look for yourselves to judge.

Wilson’s outfit from head to toe was just perfect. He was wearing a Seattle top which was expected. But he complimented that with a crisp pair of khaki trousers. It is what Pete Carroll rolls in more often than not. Russell Wilson left nothing to chance and even chose the same sneakers that Pete Caroll generally decides to wear on game day. He is known to prefer a particular brand, and he has alluded to it through tweets.
