Types of Start to End in Races


(1) Crouch Start: It is also called as sitting start. It is used in short distacne races. It is again divided into three sub-types:

Bunch Start: In this start toes of the both feat are about I I “to 12″ apart. The athlete bends on a block in such a manner that the fingers form a bridge behind the starting line. When the Set position’ is ordered, hips are raised upwards. This position is unstable but very helpful to take a quick start.

(2) Medium Start: In this type of start, the distance between the two blocks is between 12″ to 18″ and distance between the first
block and the starting line is 15 inches. The shoulder and the hips of an athlete are almost at the same height.

(3) Elongated Start: Here, the distance between the two block is between 20″ to 28”. This start is very good for an athelete.

Starting Techniques
(1) Set position: Here, the runner concentrates deeply and hold his breath so that he can propel his body forward at the time of
start. A quick reaction time is required for a good race.

(i) Start: On start’, the runner lets out his breath and he moves his arms. The action of legs propels his body forward at a 45° angle
untill the back leg is fully extended. If a runner has two false starts, he is disqualified.
Finishing Techniques: It is the most important point in finishing the race.

It is considered when torso/chest region crosses the finishing line. An athlete mostly adopts the following techniques to finish the race:
(i) Run through: In this type of finish, the athlete without considering the finishing line, reaches the goal with full speed.

(Hi) Lunge: This action is done by an athlete when the finsihing line is just one stop a head. The athlete bends both arms backward and tries to touch the tape with the chest.

(m) Shoulder Shrug: In this type of finish, one shoulder is moved forward while the other shoulder moves backward.

Middle Distance Races: These races include the races between 800 m to 1500 m. The speed and endurance are required in such races.

An athlete gets success if he possesses both these qualities of speed and durance. Mostly uniform speed is maintained in such races and
the race is won in the end by putting in full vigour. In 800 metre race, start is taken from the standing position.

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Experimental Book endurance to the risht use.

In these type of races an athlete keeps his body straight, bends a little in the forward direction, head and eyes fixed on the track except in the begining.

The arms are loose wncd in the forward direction, the elbow and the fists
straight under slited en hewacke wept in the bezinine, The arms are loose dihedi thinet with the ground. Greater push in obtained withfly
Relav Races: a batom among them
help of toes.
